Source code for emlp.reps.representation

import numpy as np
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, device_put,vmap
import optax
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from import tqdm
from .linear_operator_base import LinearOperator, Lazy
from .linear_operators import ConcatLazy, I, lazify, densify, LazyJVP
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from functools import reduce
from oil.utils.utils import export

from plum import dispatch
import emlp.reps
#TODO: add rep,v = flatten({'Scalar':..., 'Vector':...,}), to_dict(rep,vector) returns {'Scalar':..., 'Vector':...,}
#TODO and simpler rep = flatten({Scalar:2,Vector:10,...}),
# Do we even want + operator to implement non canonical orderings?

__all__ = ["V","Vector", "Scalar"]

[docs]@export class Rep(object): r""" The base Representation class. Representation objects formalize the vector space V on which the group acts, the group representation matrix ρ(g), and the Lie Algebra representation dρ(A) in a single object. Representations act as types for vectors coming from V. These types can be manipulated and transformed with the built in operators ⊕,⊗,dual, as well as incorporating custom representations. Rep objects should be immutable. At minimum, new representations need to implement ``rho``, ``__str__``.""" is_permutation=False
[docs] def rho(self,M): """ Group representation of the matrix M of shape (d,d)""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def drho(self,A): """ Lie Algebra representation of the matrix A of shape (d,d)""" In = jnp.eye(A.shape[0]) return LazyJVP(self.rho,In,A)
def __call__(self,G): """ Instantiate (non concrete) representation with a given symmetry group""" raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError #TODO: separate __repr__ and __str__? def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self,other): if type(self)!=type(other): return False d1 = tuple([(k,v) for k,v in self.__dict__.items() if (k not in ['_size','is_permutation','is_orthogonal'])]) d2 = tuple([(k,v) for k,v in other.__dict__.items() if (k not in ['_size','is_permutation','is_orthogonal'])]) return d1==d2 def __hash__(self): d1 = tuple([(k,v) for k,v in self.__dict__.items() if (k not in ['_size','is_permutation','is_orthogonal'])]) return hash((type(self),d1))
[docs] def size(self): """ Dimension dim(V) of the representation """ if hasattr(self,'_size'): return self._size elif self.concrete and hasattr(self,"G"): self._size = self.rho(self.G.sample()).shape[-1] return self._size else: raise NotImplementedError
def canonicalize(self): """ An optional method to convert the representation into a canonical form in order to reuse equivalent solutions in the solver. Should return both the canonically ordered representation, along with a permutation which can be applied to vectors of the current representation to achieve that ordering. """ return self, np.arange(self.size()) # return canonicalized rep
[docs] def rho_dense(self,M): """ A convenience function which returns rho(M) as a dense matrix.""" return densify(self.rho(M))
[docs] def drho_dense(self,A): """ A convenience function which returns drho(A) as a dense matrix.""" return densify(self.drho(A))
def constraint_matrix(self): """ Constructs the equivariance constrant matrix (lazily) by concatenating the constraints (ρ(hᵢ)-I) for i=1,...M and dρ(Aₖ) for k=1,..,D from the generators of the symmetry group. """ n = self.size() constraints = [] constraints.extend([lazify(self.rho(h))-I(n) for h in self.G.discrete_generators]) constraints.extend([lazify(self.drho(A)) for A in self.G.lie_algebra]) return ConcatLazy(constraints) if constraints else lazify(jnp.zeros((1,n))) solcache = {}
[docs] def equivariant_basis(self): """ Computes the equivariant solution basis for the given representation of size N. Canonicalizes problems and caches solutions for reuse. Output [Q (N,r)] """ if self==Scalar: return jnp.ones((1,1)) canon_rep,perm = self.canonicalize() invperm = np.argsort(perm) if canon_rep not in self.solcache:"{canon_rep} cache miss")"Solving basis for {self}"+(f", for G={self.G}" if hasattr(self,"G") else "")) #if isinstance(group,Trivial): return np.eye(size(rank,group.d)) C_lazy = canon_rep.constraint_matrix() if C_lazy.shape[0]*C_lazy.shape[1]>3e7: #Too large to use SVD result = krylov_constraint_solve(C_lazy) else: C_dense = C_lazy.to_dense() result = orthogonal_complement(C_dense) self.solcache[canon_rep]=result return self.solcache[canon_rep][invperm]
[docs] def equivariant_projector(self): """ Computes the (lazy) projection matrix P=QQᵀ that projects to the equivariant basis.""" Q = self.equivariant_basis() Q_lazy = lazify(Q) P = Q_lazy@Q_lazy.H return P
@property def concrete(self): return hasattr(self,"G") and self.G is not None # if hasattr(self,"_concrete"): return self._concrete # else: # return hasattr(self,"G") and self.G is not None def __add__(self, other): """ Direct sum (⊕) of representations. """ if isinstance(other,int): if other==0: return self else: return self+other*Scalar elif emlp.reps.product_sum_reps.both_concrete(self,other): return emlp.reps.product_sum_reps.SumRep(self,other) else: return emlp.reps.product_sum_reps.DeferredSumRep(self,other) def __radd__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): if other==0: return self else: return other*Scalar+self else: return NotImplemented def __mul__(self,other): """ Tensor sum (⊗) of representations. """ return mul_reps(self,other) def __rmul__(self,other): return mul_reps(other,self) def __pow__(self,other): """ Iterated tensor product. """ assert isinstance(other,int), f"Power only supported for integers, not {type(other)}" assert other>=0, f"Negative powers {other} not supported" return reduce(lambda a,b:a*b,other*[self],Scalar) def __rshift__(self,other): """ Linear maps from self -> other """ return other*self.T def __lshift__(self,other): """ Linear maps from other -> self """ return self*other.T def __lt__(self, other): """ less than defined to disambiguate ordering multiple different representations. Canonical ordering is determined first by Group, then by size, then by hash""" if other==Scalar: return False try: if self.G<other.G: return True if self.G>other.G: return False except (AttributeError,TypeError): pass if self.size()<other.size(): return True if self.size()>other.size(): return False return hash(self) < hash(other) #For sorting purposes only def __mod__(self,other): # Wreath product """ Wreath product of representations (Not yet implemented)""" raise NotImplementedError @property def T(self): """ Dual representation V*, rho*, drho*.""" if hasattr(self,"G") and (self.G is not None) and self.G.is_orthogonal: return self return Dual(self)
@dispatch def mul_reps(ra,rb:int): if rb==1: return ra if rb==0: return 0 if (not hasattr(ra,'concrete')) or ra.concrete: return emlp.reps.product_sum_reps.SumRep(*(rb*[ra])) else: return emlp.reps.product_sum_reps.DeferredSumRep(*(rb*[ra])) @dispatch def mul_reps(ra:int,rb): return mul_reps(rb,ra) # Continued with non int cases in # A possible class ScalarRep(Rep): def __init__(self,G=None): self.G=G self.is_permutation = True def __call__(self,G): self.G=G return self def size(self): return 1 def __repr__(self): return str(self)#f"T{self.rank+(self.G,)}" def __str__(self): return "V⁰" @property def T(self): return self def rho(self,M): return jnp.eye(1) def drho(self,M): return 0*jnp.eye(1) def __hash__(self): return 0 def __eq__(self,other): return isinstance(other,ScalarRep) def __mul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): return super().__mul__(other) return other def __rmul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): return super().__rmul__(other) return other @property def concrete(self): return True class Base(Rep): """ Base representation V of a group.""" def __init__(self,G=None): self.G=G if G is not None: self.is_permutation = G.is_permutation def __call__(self,G): return self.__class__(G) def rho(self,M): if hasattr(self,'G') and isinstance(M,dict): M=M[self.G] return M def drho(self,A): if hasattr(self,'G') and isinstance(A,dict): A=A[self.G] return A def size(self): assert self.G is not None, f"must know G to find size for rep={self}" return self.G.d def __repr__(self): return str(self)#f"T{self.rank+(self.G,)}" def __str__(self): return "V"# +(f"_{self.G}" if self.G is not None else "") def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self),self.G)) def __eq__(self,other): return type(other)==type(self) and self.G==other.G def __lt__(self,other): if isinstance(other,Dual): return True return super().__lt__(other) # @property # def T(self): # return Dual(self.G) class Dual(Rep): def __init__(self,rep): self.rep = rep self.G=rep.G if hasattr(rep,"is_permutation"): self.is_permutation = rep.is_permutation def __call__(self,G): return self.rep(G).T def rho(self,M): rho = self.rep.rho(M) rhoinvT = rho.invT() if isinstance(rho,LinearOperator) else jnp.linalg.inv(rho).T return rhoinvT def drho(self,A): return -self.rep.drho(A).T def __str__(self): return str(self.rep)+"*" def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def T(self): return self.rep def __eq__(self,other): return type(other)==type(self) and self.rep==other.rep def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self),self.rep)) def __lt__(self,other): if other==self.rep: return False return super().__lt__(other) def size(self): return self.rep.size() V=Vector= Base() #: Alias V or Vector for an instance of the Base representation of a group Scalar = ScalarRep()#: An instance of the Scalar representation, equivalent to V**0
[docs]@export def T(p,q=0,G=None): """ A convenience function for creating rank (p,q) tensors.""" return (V**p*V.T**q)(G)
def orthogonal_complement(proj): """ Computes the orthogonal complement to a given matrix proj""" U,S,VH = jnp.linalg.svd(proj,full_matrices=True) rank = (S>1e-5).sum() return VH[rank:].conj().T def krylov_constraint_solve(C,tol=1e-5): """ Computes the solution basis Q for the linear constraint CQ=0 and QᵀQ=I up to specified tolerance with C expressed as a LinearOperator. """ r = 5 if C.shape[0]*r*2>2e9: raise Exception(f"Solns for contraints {C.shape} too large to fit in memory") found_rank=5 while found_rank==r: r *= 2 # Iterative doubling of rank until large enough to include the full solution space if C.shape[0]*r>2e9: logging.error(f"Hit memory limits, switching to sample equivariant subspace of size {found_rank}") break Q = krylov_constraint_solve_upto_r(C,r,tol) found_rank = Q.shape[-1] return Q def krylov_constraint_solve_upto_r(C,r,tol=1e-5,lr=1e-2):#,W0=None): """ Iterative routine to compute the solution basis to the constraint CQ=0 and QᵀQ=I up to the rank r, with given tolerance. Uses gradient descent (+ momentum) on the objective |CQ|^2, which provably converges at an exponential rate.""" W = np.random.randn(C.shape[-1],r)/np.sqrt(C.shape[-1])# if W0 is None else W0 W = device_put(W) opt_init,opt_update = optax.sgd(lr,.9) opt_state = opt_init(W) # init stats def loss(W): return (jnp.absolute(C@W)**2).sum()/2 # added absolute for complex support loss_and_grad = jit(jax.value_and_grad(loss)) # setup progress bar pbar = tqdm(total=100,desc=f'Krylov Solving for Equivariant Subspace r<={r}', bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}| {n:.3g}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]") prog_val = 0 lstart, _ = loss_and_grad(W) for i in range(20000): lossval, grad = loss_and_grad(W) updates, opt_state = opt_update(grad, opt_state, W) W = optax.apply_updates(W, updates) # update progress bar progress = max(100*np.log(lossval/lstart)/np.log(tol**2/lstart)-prog_val,0) progress = min(100-prog_val,progress) if progress>0: prog_val += progress pbar.update(progress) if jnp.sqrt(lossval) <tol: # check convergence condition pbar.close() break # has converged if lossval>2e3 and i>100: # Solve diverged due to too high learning rate logging.warning(f"Constraint solving diverged, trying lower learning rate {lr/3:.2e}") if lr < 1e-4: raise ConvergenceError(f"Failed to converge even with smaller learning rate {lr:.2e}") return krylov_constraint_solve_upto_r(C,r,tol,lr=lr/3) else: raise ConvergenceError("Failed to converge.") # Orthogonalize solution at the end U,S,VT = np.linalg.svd(np.array(W),full_matrices=False) # Would like to do economy SVD here (to not have the unecessary O(n^2) memory cost) # but this is not supported in numpy (or Jax) unfortunately. rank = (S>10*tol).sum() Q = device_put(U[:,:rank]) # final_L final_L = loss_and_grad(Q)[0] if final_L >tol: logging.warning(f"Normalized basis has too high error {final_L:.2e} for tol {tol:.2e}") scutoff = (S[rank] if r>rank else 0) assert rank==0 or scutoff < S[rank-1]/100, f"Singular value gap too small: {S[rank-1]:.2e} \ above cutoff {scutoff:.2e} below cutoff. Final L {final_L:.2e}, earlier {S[rank-5:rank]}" #logging.debug(f"found Rank {r}, above cutoff {S[rank-1]:.3e} after {S[rank] if r>rank else np.inf:.3e}. Loss {final_L:.1e}") return Q class ConvergenceError(Exception): pass
[docs]@export def sparsify_basis(Q,lr=1e-2): #(n,r) """ Convenience function to attempt to sparsify a given basis by applying an orthogonal transformation W, Q' = QW where Q' has only 1s, 0s and -1s. Notably this method does not have the same convergence gauruntees of krylov_constraint_solve and can fail (even silently). Intended to be used only for visualization purposes, use at your own risk. """ W = np.random.randn(Q.shape[-1],Q.shape[-1]) W,_ = np.linalg.qr(W) W = device_put(W.astype(jnp.float32)) opt_init,opt_update = optax.adam(lr)#optax.sgd(1e2,.9)#optax.adam(lr)#optax.sgd(3e-3,.9)#optax.adam(lr) opt_update = jit(opt_update) opt_state = opt_init(W) # init stats def loss(W): return jnp.abs(Q@W.T).mean() + .1*(jnp.abs(W.T@W-jnp.eye(W.shape[0]))).mean()+.01*jax.numpy.linalg.slogdet(W)[1]**2 loss_and_grad = jit(jax.value_and_grad(loss)) for i in tqdm(range(3000),desc=f'sparsifying basis'): lossval, grad = loss_and_grad(W) updates, opt_state = opt_update(grad, opt_state, W) W = optax.apply_updates(W, updates) #W,_ = np.linalg.qr(W) if lossval>1e2 and i>100: # Solve diverged due to too high learning rate logging.warning(f"basis sparsification diverged, trying lower learning rate {lr/3:.2e}") return sparsify_basis(Q,lr=lr/3) Q = np.copy(Q@W.T) Q[np.abs(Q)<1e-2]=0 Q[np.abs(Q)>1e-2] /= np.abs(Q[np.abs(Q)>1e-2]) A = Q@(1+np.arange(Q.shape[-1])) if len(np.unique(np.abs(A)))!=Q.shape[-1]+1 and len(np.unique(np.abs(A)))!=Q.shape[-1]: logging.error(f"Basis elems did not separate: found only {len(np.unique(np.abs(A)))}/{Q.shape[-1]}") #raise ConvergenceError(f"Basis elems did not separate: found only {len(np.unique(A))}/{Q.shape[-1]}") return Q
#@partial(jit,static_argnums=(0,1)) @export def bilinear_weights(out_rep,in_rep): #TODO: replace lazy_projection function with LazyDirectSum LinearOperator W_rep,W_perm = (in_rep>>out_rep).canonicalize() inv_perm = np.argsort(W_perm) mat_shape = out_rep.size(),in_rep.size() x_rep=in_rep W_multiplicities = W_rep.reps x_multiplicities = x_rep.reps x_multiplicities = {rep:n for rep,n in x_multiplicities.items() if rep!=Scalar} nelems = lambda nx,rep: min(nx,rep.size()) active_dims = sum([W_multiplicities.get(rep,0)*nelems(n,rep) for rep,n in x_multiplicities.items()]) reduced_indices_dict = {rep:ids[np.random.choice(len(ids),nelems(len(ids),rep))].reshape(-1)\ for rep,ids in x_rep.as_dict(np.arange(x_rep.size())).items()} # Apply the projections for each rank, concatenate, and permute back to orig rank order @jit def lazy_projection(params,x): # (r,), (*c) #TODO: find out why backwards of this function is so slow bshape = x.shape[:-1] x = x.reshape(-1,x.shape[-1]) bs = x.shape[0] i=0 Ws = [] for rep, W_mult in W_multiplicities.items(): if rep not in x_multiplicities: Ws.append(jnp.zeros((bs,W_mult*rep.size()))) continue x_mult = x_multiplicities[rep] n = nelems(x_mult,rep) i_end = i+W_mult*n bids = reduced_indices_dict[rep] bilinear_params = params[i:i_end].reshape(W_mult,n) # bs,nK-> (nK,bs) i = i_end # (bs,W_mult,d^r) = (W_mult,n)@(n,d^r,bs) bilinear_elems = bilinear_params@x[...,bids].T.reshape(n,rep.size()*bs) bilinear_elems = bilinear_elems.reshape(W_mult*rep.size(),bs).T Ws.append(bilinear_elems) Ws = jnp.concatenate(Ws,axis=-1) #concatenate over rep axis return Ws[...,inv_perm].reshape(*bshape,*mat_shape) # reorder to original rank ordering return active_dims,lazy_projection # @jit # def mul_part(bparams,x,bids): # b = prod(x.shape[:-1]) # return (bparams@x[...,bids].T.reshape(bparams.shape[-1],-1)).reshape(-1,b).T
[docs]@export def vis(repin,repout,cluster=True): """ A function to visualize the basis of equivariant maps repin>>repout as an image. Only use cluster=True if you know Pv will only have r distinct values (true for G<S(n) but not true for many continuous groups).""" rep = (repin>>repout) P = rep.equivariant_projector() # compute the equivariant basis Q = rep.equivariant_basis() v = np.random.randn(P.shape[1]) # sample random vector v = np.round(P@v,decimals=4) # project onto equivariant subspace (and round) if cluster: # cluster nearby values for better color separation in plot v = KMeans(n_clusters=Q.shape[-1]).fit(v.reshape(-1,1)).labels_ plt.imshow(v.reshape(repout.size(),repin.size())) plt.axis('off')
def scale_adjusted_rel_error(t1,t2,g): error = jnp.sqrt(jnp.mean(jnp.abs(t1-t2)**2)) tscale = jnp.sqrt(jnp.mean(jnp.abs(t1)**2)) + jnp.sqrt(jnp.mean(jnp.abs(t2)**2)) gscale = jnp.sqrt(jnp.mean(jnp.abs(g-jnp.eye(g.shape[-1]))**2)) scale = jnp.maximum(tscale,gscale) return error/jnp.maximum(scale,1e-7)
[docs]@export def equivariance_error(W,repin,repout,G): """ Computes the equivariance relative error rel_err(Wρ₁(g),ρ₂(g)W) of the matrix W (dim(repout),dim(repin)) [or basis Q: (dim(repout)xdim(repin), r)] according to the input and output representations and group G. """ W = W.reshape(repout.size(),repin.size(),-1).transpose((2,0,1))[None] # Sample 5 group elements and verify the equivariance for each gs = G.samples(5) ring = vmap(repin.rho_dense)(gs)[:,None] routg = vmap(repout.rho_dense)(gs)[:,None] equiv_err = scale_adjusted_rel_error(W@ring,routg@W,gs) return equiv_err
import emlp.groups # Why is this necessary to avoid circular import?